Related Sites
The following web sites may interest our visitors.
Inclusion on this list does not imply unqualified endorsement.
General Background and History
Bible Study Resources
- Darby Bible Download
Darby's English translation is a scholarly work based on a thorough knowledge of the original languages.
More than 140 years after its publication, The New Translation is still considered to be one of the most accurate English translations of the Bible.
- Holy Bible: Darby Translation
This Bible translation was converted automatically from data files made available by the Unbound Bible project.
- Christian Classics Library Online
The Christian Classics Ethereal Library (CCEL) strives to build up the church
by making classic Christian literature widely available and promoting its use for edification and study by interested Christians, seekers and scholars.
- Bible Gateway (Online Search)
This searchable, online Bible features more than 200 versions and 70 languages.
- Bible Study
The Holy Bible, and how to study its Old Testament and New Testament books, is the focus of this website.
- Bible Translations
The history of English Bible translation from the Hebrew and Greek languages is the theme of this website.
Academic and Current Issues
- Dallas Theological Seminary
Founded in 1924, DTS' mission is, "to glorify God by equipping godly servant-leaders for the proclamation of His Word
and the building up of the body of Christ worldwide."
- Constable Bible Study Notes
These expository notes were prepared by Dr. Robert Constable and distributed to his students at Dallas Theological Seminary.
- Cairn University
With the Bible at the core of the curriculum and service at the core of its culture,
Cairn offers a university experience that is centered on Christ and His Word.
- Emmaus Bible College
The college strives to be a place where young men and women come to have the Scriptures opened to them
and to learn "the things concerning Himself" (Luke 24:27).
- Christian Baptism
This website considers the doctrine and practice of baptising Christian believers.
It also examines the Bible passages that some Christians use to justify baptising infant children in Christian households.
- Creation vs Evolution
This website discusses the claims of evolutionary biologists and paleontologists as well as the tenets and reasonableness of intelligent design proponents.
Bible Prophecy
- Pre-Trib Research Center
PTRC strives to impact Pastors and individual Christians with the central role and importance that Bible prophecy,
especially the any-moment possibility of the rapture, should play in the life of the church.
- Southwest Radio Church Ministries
The ministries of this non-denominational, evangelical organization strive to share the word of God in a globe-circling strategy outlined by its founder.
Southwest Radio Ministries is instructional, evangelistic, missionary, and prophetic in purpose.
- Behold Israel
Behold Israel is a non-profit organization led by native Israeli Amir Tsarfati.
Its mission is to provide reliable and accurate reporting on developments in Israel and the region.
Amir's live updates and teachings, based on God's Written Word, sift out the truth on current events.
- Jack Van Impe Ministries
Jack Van Impe Ministries offers a variety of life-changing programs that share the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ
and prepare people for the latter days predicted in Bible prophecy.
- Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry
Friends of Israel is a worldwide Christian ministry communicating biblical truth about Israel and the Messiah, while fostering solidarity with the Jewish people.
- Midnight Call Ministries
This ministry strives to serve its readers through the presentation of Bible-based messages, news features, and updates that it publishes continuously.
- Joel Rosenberg's Blog
This Christian weblog tracks events and trends in Israel, the USA, Russia and throughout the Epicenter (the Middle East & North Africa).
Christian Missions
- Gateway Pregnancy Center
This New Jersey-based pregnancy crisis center offers free pregnancy tests and counseling services.
- Pacific Garden Mission
This Chicago-based mission strives to reach the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Wycliffe Bible Translators
For more than 70 years, Wycliffe has helped people around the world translate the Bible into their own languages.
- Chick Publications
This Christian publisher offers illustrated gospel tracts and apologetics ministry resources.
- Back to the Bible
This non-profit ministry strives to use the latest technology to reach the world with the life-transforming power of God's Word.
Personal Testimonies of Jewish Christians
- I Met Messiah
The I MET MESSIAH Project comprises dozens of video testimonies by Jewish people who believe that Jesus is the promised Messiah of Israel.
- Menorah.org Salvation Testimonies
Read the testimonies of rabbis and other Jews who came to believe on Jesus (Yeshua) as their Messiah.
Cults and False Teachings
- New Zealand Cults, Sects, and Beliefs
This useful resource comprises information about cults and various sectarian organizations and belief systems.
- The Berean Call
Founded by Dave Hunt, this biblical discernment ministry strives to alert believers to unbiblical teachings and practices that are impacting the church.
Personal Sites
- Biblical Resource Database
This archive comprises selected ministry, primarily by founders and noteworthies of the dispensational and so-called "Plymouth Brethren" movements.
- Showers Of Blessing
These notes are extracted from selected gospel preachings, teachings, and psalms.
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