Reception Unsectarian
J. B. Stoney
My statement was, that if a godly clergyman presented himself
for communion I should receive him, and though he returned to
system, yet I should receive him again as I had received him
before, not as if he were in fellowship, but as one desiring to
break bread; but I added, he is now subject to discipline, and
if he did anything in doctrine or practice to compromise the
holiness of God's house, he would be dealt with accordingly and
publicly. Now this is very different from the mode of action of
those who assume open ground. They receive every Christian who
is sound in faith and morals, that is their avowed terms of
communion. They take no notice of where (as to association) they
come from. They make no difference between saints in the
Establishment or sects, and brethren. They do not see that
Newton's heresy sprung up in the midst of brethren who assume to
be on the ground of the church of God intelligently — hence
there is a great difference as to moral standing between a saint
in the Establishment or the sects and one from any company which
is under discipline. All we ask for is jealousy for Christ in
His own house. We receive a believer from the Establishment or
the sects when assured that such an one is sound in faith and
morals, while we do not receive one from [Open] "Brethren" (so called)
unless he has absolutely cleared himself of all association with
the defiled company.
... But the moment a Christian is received in the fellowship of
the Lord's supper he is identified with all the privileges and
responsibilities of the assembly, and therefore he is amenable
to discipline. If a clergyman were received this Sunday, and
returned to his church the following Sunday, the assembly could
take no notice, but if he in any way in doctrine or by practice
dishonours the Lord, even though he may have withdrawn from
fellowship, yet as he was once in the fellowship he must now be
put away as unfit for it.
From Letters from J. B. Stoney, volume 1, page 66.
Reception Unsectarian