Following the Man with a Pitcher of Water
C. A. Coates
9 October 1934.
Dear brother in the Lord,
I am interested to have your letter, and to know something of
your exercises before the Lord. I feel assured that He will
help you, as you continue to seek Him about the matter, and will
give you light as to the path in which He would have you to walk.
I am glad that you have arrived at a definite judgment as to the
failure of Open Brethren to recognise the truth of the one body
in its practical bearing on the fellowship of saints. This will
make your way clear as to continuing association with them and
it will also help you much in regard to other difficulties which
beset the path of faith in this day.
It is easy to answer the first part of your question. The
Christians with whom I am privileged to walk do recognise the
truth of the one body, and this not only in an abstract way (as
I suppose all Christians do) but in its practical bearing. That
is, the essential and vital unity of the body is not merely
local but universal; 1 Corinthians 12:13 establishes this. So
that local assemblies are not independent congregations who may
agree to work and walk together with mutual inter-communion, but
the saints who meet locally in assemblies form an integral part
of a universal unity, and thus no assembly can be independent of
any or all the other assemblies. It is not merely a question of
agreeing to act on the same principles, but the unity is a vital
and organic unity. So that any disciplinary or administrative
action is taken in the light of the universal fellowship and the
divine principles which govern it, and also as recognising the
vital unity of the body, which underlies that fellowship.
The brethren at Bethesda chapel, Bristol, in 1848 did not
recognise that saints generally were as definitely committed to
the refusal of evil which had come to light at Plymouth as were
those who had the immediate responsibility of dealing with it.
They held that a judgment of evil in Plymouth did not
necessarily bind other assemblies; each assembly must judge for
itself, or not judge at all, if it thought best to be neutral!
This was clearly to make the assemblies independent units, and
this principle is still maintained by those known as Open
Brethren. What was judged at Plymouth was a clericalism which
would have set aside all that the Spirit of God was recovering
as to the truth of the assembly. Later it was found that along
with this grave error there was the propagation of most serious
evil teaching as to the Person of Christ. The latter was
professedly judged at Bethesda after division had been caused by
the refusal to judge it, but the principle of independency
(which had left it an open question whether it should be judged
or not) was never judged as evil, but is still maintained.
The second part of your question, in which you ask, "Seeing
there are so many different companies of 'Exclusives', how can
one know for certain which is the true expression of the one
body?" is more difficult to answer. To begin with, I doubt
whether the Lord would have us to look for a company which
should be the true expression of the one body. I think this
would be too pretentious a ground to take in the midst of all
the confusion of these last days. I believe the Lord would have
His saints to recognise the truth of the one body, and every
other part of the truth, and to seek to maintain consistency
with it by following righteousness, faith, love, peace,
and that in so doing there will be found a divine path of
separation from evil, in which they can walk in the light of all
the truth of the assembly, and have the Lord with them in so
doing. But each heart seeking to be in the truth and power of
what is of God, and to give expression to it according to the
measure of what is made available to us.
To find the company which has the Lord's approval and presence
is a matter which involves not only the truth and principles
which have been in question in each case, but also where the
different companies stand spiritually at the present time. I
would not care to attempt to prove that one certain company was
right. It is largely a matter of spiritual indications which
the Lord will undoubtedly afford to any who only desire His
mind. To follow the man with a pitcher of water is a good
guide. Look out for a living and spiritual ministry of Christ,
and for purification from the influences of the world. But this
calls for spirituality of discernment which can only be acquired
by nearness to the Lord. So that we cannot look for certain
guidance apart from our own personal communion with the Lord.
For, after all, it is a question of where the Lord is, and of
where souls are truly gathered to His name. And this, as I
think you will understand, can only be appreciated in a
spiritual way.
As a matter of history each breach amongst brethren which has
resulted in permanent separation has been caused either by the
attempt to introduce principles or teachings which were contrary
to the truth, or by the refusal to accept light which the Lord
was giving and which could be substantiated by Scripture. These
things speak indeed of human failure, but they have been
permitted as an exercise for faith; they cannot now be ignored,
and therefore they cast every enquiring heart very much on the
Lord, who does not fail those who wait on Him.
I cannot offer you better counsel than to suggest that you
continue to wait much on the Lord, with readiness to follow any
spiritual leading which He has given you, or which He may yet
give you. As you move in faithfulness to the light which He
gives you it will increase and your path will be made very clear
to you. I shall be interested to hear from you again, if you
care to write and let me know how you are being led.
From Letters of C. A. Coates, pages 230-232.
Following the Man With a Pitcher of Water