Surrender to Jesus
P. Hickmott
"Let the whole house of Israel therefore know assuredly
that God has made him, this Jesus whom ye have crucified,
both Lord and Christ." Acts 2:36.
God has had to do with every person. There are millions,
thousands of millions on earth today, and God has had to do with
every one. People talk about family control. God has had to do
with every living soul that's come into this world. And He
holds their breath in His hand, including yours and mine. He
has given abundant witness to His existence in the creation all
around us, whether people admit it or not. He has given you a
witness to Him in your conscience.
So here we are today, as persons that are responsible to God.
He will have to say to everyone sooner or later to you and to
me, and to every man. Not one is going to escape.
It says "It is appointed unto man once to die,
and after death the judgment".
Are you ready for it? Are you ready to be ushered
right now into the presence of God? How many people today have
reached the end of their life span, and their opportunity for
blessing is over for ever? We must face it, and every man will
face it sooner or later, that all things are naked and laid bare
before the eyes of Him with whom we have to do. God has given
Jesus a name which is above every name, that at the name of
Jesus every knee should bow, and every tongue confess, that
Jesus Christ is Lord to God the Father's glory. Someone has
said, You do it voluntarily or you are eventually compelled to
do it. Don't leave it until that day. Join the myriads who
rejoice in the place that God has given Jesus.
So Peter preaches this gospel to the Jews that had crucified the
Lord, and He's telling them, 'I don't want there to be any doubt
in your minds that God has made this Jesus, whom ye have
crucified, both Lord and Christ'. How have you treated Jesus up
till now? Have you come into line at all with what God has done
with Him? He wants you to come fully into line with what He has
done with Jesus. As I look around this room, we hardly need to
cover the ground that Jesus was, and is, a divine Person, one of
the Godhead, and He came into human form, and He lived a perfect
life, and He went to the cross. I don't think we need to
emphasize that, but I would like to emphasize, to stress, that
God has made Him Lord, and you and I had better do the same.
You say, you preach Jesus as Saviour. Beautiful!
And He is!
But the beginning of an entrance into living Christianity is to
accept Him as Lord.
So persons in the gospels that came into blessing fell at His
feet, or at His knees. You remember Peter: "Depart from me,
for I am a sinful man, O Lord". I don't think we can argue with
the fact that the Christianity of many of us (and it challenges
me to say it) is half-hearted, and lacks living vitality,
because somewhere along the road, I have never accepted Jesus as
Lord, absolutely. You can't argue with the laws of this
country, traffic laws or any other laws, and pretend they don't
exist, because God has put them in place. How much less can you
argue with God about where He has placed Jesus! He has made Him
Lord! Oh, to convey that, and I could do it better if I had
faced it better myself, but to arrive at it at least in your
mind, that His authority over you and me is to be absolute and
without question. It will transform your life.
So Peter presents Him, the crucified One, as Lord. And God
would appeal to us tonight to come to this point in our minds,
that He is to be supreme in your life, because He has been given
the highest place in glory already, and one day He will have it
on earth. Have you ever repented? I don't mean that you
admitted you were wrong when you were in trouble, or that you
said "sorry" when you were found out. God is sending out His
urgent message for you to surrender to Jesus. The hymn says,
"Oh, surrender now, yield to love divine". You and I, by nature
and by act, are wretched, lost sinners. Not only guilty because
of our sins, but lost because of the race we belong to. He came
to seek and to save that which was lost. And He wants you to
acknowlege it with an honest heart. God would surround you with
every advantage in order that you might come to the feet of
Jesus. The Bible says that the goodness of God leads you to
repentance. The hardened and impenitent heart is spoken of in
that verse.
God isn't exactly holding you up against the wall and shaking
you until you give in. He is surrounding you and me with what
is flowing out of His heart. His goodness is flowing out, and
it would surround you and lead you to repentance.
Well, my appeal would be, if that's happening to you, don't
resist it anymore! The heart of God, of whom it says that He
spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, is
waiting over mankind, including you and me, to say, "I surrender
to Jesus". And I venture to say that the more thorough is your
surrender, the more honest your acknowledgment of your sins and
your state, the more effectively you're going to get on in
Christianity. It's no time for what we would say is a "milk and
water" gospel.
Well, that's the first thing. Our appeal would be to surrender
to Jesus. I was put in a hospital once, for a little problem
caused by using a hand drill, and there was a fairly gruff old
surgeon, and he was poking around to find the answer. I didn't
realize it, but I kept one muscle tight. I can hear him say it
now: "Let that one go". Is anybody here like that? You're
presenting a good appearance (this challenges me to say it), but
you are still keeping a muscle tight in there, that you don't
want Jesus to put His finger on. Paul says, "I beseech you,
brethren, by the compassions of God, yield your bodies a living
sacrifice". But who of us here can escape the challenge of
that? I can't, and I don't think you can either! But the
gospel that would bring you to repentance includes the wonderful
message of faith towards our Lord Jesus Christ. Because God has
made Him Christ as well. That blessed Man sets out perfection
in Manhood, and God has anointed Him in the place of supremacy,
and He wants you to trust Him. Do you trust Jesus? Do you
appreciate what He's done for you? He gave Himself! The
apostle Paul, in that key verse in Galatians (2:20), gladly adds,
"who loved me and gave Himself for me".
Memorize Galatians 2:20, and let its import sink into your soul.
Two dear, aged believers in Melbourne, recently taken to be with
Christ, were both comforted as they neared their end, by that
hymn, "Just as I am, without one plea, but that thy blood was
shed for me". If we could only realize that, in the gospel, God
is presenting to you Jesus in His perfection and His
attractiveness, as having paid the price! He presents Him to
you in incredible grace, and He beckons you to come by way of
total surrender to Him, to absolute, implicit trust in Him.
There's no one down here you could trust totally, but you can
trust Jesus absolutely, through thick and thin, good or bad.
So Peter presents this message. What was the effect on these
people? Peter didn't first say, "You've got to repent".
Peter said, "God has made him Lord and Christ".
The effect on them was they were pricked in their heart.
What are we going to do?
"Repent, and be baptised, each one of you, in the name of Jesus
Christ, for remission of sins, and ye will receive the gift of
the Holy Spirit".
I don't intend to go on long, but the gospel is a wonderful
thing. God, through Jesus, can present to you full and free and
total forgiveness, and from His side, He has met in the cross
the whole question of the wretched state within that troubles
you still, even though you're a believer. And He'd actually
give you His Spirit, to shed abroad His love in your heart and
provide you with power down here, if only you learn to make room
for and rely on Him. And of course, as we were saying, that
blessed Person is constantly pointing to Jesus up there. Be
honest, where are your genuine interests? Even as to simple
things on earth, a Christian whose heart is with Christ in glory
gets the best out of everything God provides down here. In
what's in creation for us, what's provided in family relations,
the Christian gets the best of it because he takes it from the
hand of God, but his heart is with Christ where He is. I could
ask you, and you could equally ask me, in honesty of heart, what
and who is your chief interest in life? God intends that Jesus
should fill your heart and become your supreme object. A
well-known preacher said, "God made the human heart such that
only He could fill it", and that's a fact.
I've probably said enough, but if in some little way, some
appeal has gone out for you to face the realities of having to
do with God, and do it honestly, and then find that the glory of
another world where Jesus is is beginning to open up to your
view, and you're making your resolve, I would be thankful. And
you can make your resolve, and say, "I long to be with Him where
He is, but if the will of God means I'm left here for a bit, I
want to be like Him where He was, down here. May the Lord just
help us all.
For His name's sake.
Preaching of the Glad Tidings.
Stockholm, Sweden. August 14, 1994.
Surrender to Jesus