The Righteous Forsaken
E. B. G.
What an intense reality was the forsaking of Christ upon the
cross! David said, "I have not seen the righteous forsaken"
(Psalm 37:25), but what David never saw was seen on Calvary's
bitter tree. Jesus had suffered terribly at the hands of men,
unthinkable ignominy and shame had been heaped upon Him; all
that was evil in men rose to incredible heights when Jesus was
delivered into their hands. They mocked Him, scourged Him,
spat in His face, and finally during His agony upon the cross they
sat down and "watched Him there". In callousness and hatred
they gloated over the sufferings of the Son of God.
Yet all that He endured at the hands of men did not atone for sin. Had Jesus been other than the vessel of divine, unchangeable grace,
He might well have turned aside from His mighty mission of love,
but in His supreme devotedness He went on to bear the full weight of God's judgment against sin.
When men had done their worst the darkness closed around Jesus,
and for three hours, when that eastern sun should have been
shining in midday splendour, the land was enshrouded in
unnatural gloom, and in that darkness the vials of God's
righteous wrath and judgment against sin were poured out upon Him.
There was no clemency – no abating of the awful
avalanche of wrath. It was poured out in full measure upon the
sin-bearer. Had that wrath been poured out upon men it would
have overwhelmed them in eternal perdition. But more than all
beside, Jesus was forsaken of God.
Bearing that awful load! Alone!
No eye to pity! No hand to save! In Gethsemane's agony of
blood an angel appeared from heaven strengthening Him, but in
the forsaking upon the cross there was no heavenly watcher to
bear Him company. Great as were His earlier sufferings, they
are infinitely exceeded at this moment. This marks the
consummation of His grief. He is abandoned there, and the most
bitter cry that ever rang through the universe issued from His
lips, "My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?". Why?
That those who believe on Him might never be forsaken.
Thank God that the eternal salvation of the believer rests on
the righteously accomplished work of Calvary! Jesus accepted
and exhausted the judgment. The righteous claims of God were in
no way diminished, for the claims of the throne are inexorable.
The flaming sword of divine justice was wielded in all its
terror against Jesus, and retribution in full measure was meted
out for the sin and rebellion of man. That awful smiting fell
upon the spotless Son of God, and every demand of the holy
throne of God is fully satisfied.
"It is finished" is the cry of a victor. He who was "delivered for our offences" has been
"raised again for our justification". God is just and the
"justifier of him which believeth in Jesus". He delights to
justify freely. The God who withheld not His own Son can declare
Himself in perfect love, and yet in absolute righteousness.
"Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace
have kissed each other" (Psalm 85:10).
What a sure foundation for the gospel of God concerning His Son!
Well might the apostle Paul say that he was "not ashamed of the
gospel". It is perfect in every detail from sure foundation to
glorious topstone. Have you believed it?
Can you say, "He was forsaken for me"?
The Righteous Forsaken